Defiance Ridge Vineyards is rooted in the rolling hills of Historic Missouri Wine Country.
The area spans 42 acres and has a vineyard, tranquil lake, and lush garden landscape.
Hosted in a historic farmhouse. 
They want to reflect on the combined passions for wine,
vineyard-to-table cuisine, unique events, and warm hospitality.
Why rebrand this brand?
This brand is important to me because I have been more into wineries. I just love the atmosphere and tranquility you get from sitting outside on a
spring day sipping a nice glass of wine. I always like to try new things so a winery is a great place as there are
so many new things to try. I also feel like a winery has that sophisticated and structured vibe that I look for in my designs. 
I think the design needs some updating, the logo is pretty old school and generic. The railroad doesn't really make sense either as there is nothing about railroads. The Instagram page could use a more cohesive style to it. I think overall it needs an updated logo, menu, and Instagram that gives a more modern feel that attracts a younger crowd, but also keeps it elegant and classy to attract
all kinds of people.
Original Branding
The New Brand
I designed the new Defiance Ridge Vineyards to be more appealing to the 21-30 year old range of audience. I wanted the feel of the brand to be more modernized but elegant to give you that feeling you get as you sip wine. But not only that, I want the language of the brand to appeal to those of a younger generation and basically say what we're thinking if you were a 21-30 year old at a winery.
New Menu's
Wine Menu
Brunch Menu
Liquor Menu
Front's of Menus
Back's of Menus
Wine Bottles
Cap Colors
Wine Glasses
Every winery needs a wine glass with their logo on it. These can also be bought buy consumers.
Instagram Page
My biggest goal was to create a more cohesive Instagram page for the winery. I think the Instagram is a huge place for foot traffic.
My particular audience is always on Instagram so this was the perfect opportunity for me to appeal to them. 
T-shirt Design
When I walked into the winery I noticed the workers all had shirts that they wore with the logo or something with the brand, so I wanted to also design new worker shirts. But they can also be bought by consumers.
Creative Brief PDF Link: https://acrobat.adobe.com/link/review?uri=urn:aaid:scds:US:52db6a08-9c97-345a-b0cb-2130b8624f05

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