Shades of Life Through the Lens of Color Blindness is a chance for the young and the old to experience the world through the eyes of someone with color blindness. As you guide yourself through the exhibit, you are taken into the world of the color blind. Our hope is that you can step into the shoes of someone with color blindness, and see a different colored world. 
A world of color that we often take for granted.

The Full Exhibit
This exhibit was created to be a part of the St. Louis Science Center. I wanted to create a world that would show how someone with color blindness would
see versus someone without color blindness. The Process Panels are depicted in typical vision on the upper half, and then the lower half is depicted in
the colors of how someone with color blindness would see those panels. Below is a full view of the exhibit. 
Exhibit Panels
Mobile App
I created an app as a device to further the learning experience after visiting the exhibit. This app has many pieces, the most important piece to me is the quiz element. I created a quiz for students and anyone to take after the exhibit. I know that many times students will take a trip to the Science Center. I think having
this quiz that they can email the results to their teachers will give more incentive for schools to allow their students to visit the exhibit. 
The app has an interactive game that allows you to look at pictures and slide a slider over to change the color. The slider depicts the different types of color blindness so that the user can see how someone with color blindness would see the normal colored image.

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